National Cheeseburger Day

We don't know exactly when the beginning of the cheeseburger often dating back to the 1920s
One story suggests that Lionel Sternberger is reputed to have invented the cheeseburger in 1926 while working at his father’s Pasadena, California sandwich shop, 
The Rite Spot.  During an experiment, he dropped a slice of American cheese on a sizzling hamburger 
But real impressions the cheeseburger appeared on a 1928 menu at O’Dell’s, a Los Angeles restaurant, which listed a cheeseburger, smothered with chili, for 25 cents.

Cheeseburger Day on September 18th honors America’s favorite sandwich with a slice of cheese.

#NationalCheeseburgerDay ... 
Grill up or fry up your favorite cheeseburger. You don’t even have to cook. Visit your favorite burger joint and order up a delicious cheeseburger. With all the options available, you’re sure to find one that fits your taste. 

Usually you should not eat too much
But on this day, propagation is tolerated
But don't harm yourself

Thanks for reading
Osama arra


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